Thursday 21 February 2013

The bad effects of smoking for Passive Smokers

Assalamu'alaykuuum ... Hello world ... Welcome to my life. I hope you enjoy my little notes in this very simple blog. Well my lovely readers let me tell you about the effect of Cigarette smoke for Passive Smokers. Dear reader, do you know that after smoking the respiratory system will be impaired for twenty minutes. But this is still nothing than the influence on passive smokers.

What is Passive smokers? Passive smokers is a smoke-breathing of people who are smoking. The result is more dangerous than active smokers. Even the dangers of passive smoking to be borne triple jeopardy active smokers. Setyo Budiantoro of the Public Health Association of Indonesia (IAKMI) said, as many as 25 percent of harmful substances contained in cigarette smokers into the body, while 75 percent free air circulating inside your body at risk for those around him. The concentration of harmful substances in the body due to passive smoking more toxic smoke inhaled by active smokers are not filtered. While cigarette toxins in the body filtered through the end of the active smokers of cigarettes smoked. "However, the concentration of toxins active smokers could increase if active smokers inhale smoke again he exhales." Toxins produced by the largest cigarette smoke billowing from the tip of the cigarette is not inhaled. Because the smoke produced by the burning of tobacco that is not perfect. (

The study shows that peoples, who are exposed by cigarette smoke significantly, will narrow the airways. From the research a few experts in the world shows that passive smokers are exposed to Cigarette smoke on a regular basis, are at risk of memory impairment. Even passive smokers may experience memory loss nearly twenty percent more.

That's why smokers are encouraged to find it difficult to eliminate the habit of smoking, not to smoke in a public place or enclosed spaces. Avoid smoking in front of children, because in addition to causing respiratory problems, also causes damage to long-term memory.



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