Wednesday 20 February 2013

Thanks To My Ai

Assalamu'alaykuuum ... Hello world ... Welcome to my life. I hope you enjoy my little notes in this very simple blog. This paper specifically dedicated to My ... mmm maybe we can say it by “Special Boy”. Uugh.. it sounds embarrassing  (:D). Well Please onjoy this note guys. ^_^

I was confused to start with what. Because frankly I'm not a romantic. But never mind, forget it, I'm sure you already know. Until now I still can not define what love is. But maybe I can tell pandapatku about love. Love just like when we close our eyes, then something touches us, we do not know what it was, but we can feel it.

 Ai, forgive me if I've been often disrupt your life. I'm sorry that you've been getting a scolding every day. I'm sorry I had demanded a lot from you. I'm sorry that by not politely, always run your life. I'm sorry I can not be supergirl for you.

Ai, Thank you for accept me as I am. Thank you for faithfully accompany the days when I was struggling. Thank you for being loyal to me. Thank you for being my first friend. Thank you for being my protector here, where my parents are not here. Thank you for trying to be the best for me. And thank you for being born into this world.

Keep fighting on all the things you want. Never give up on the state. Never say "I can not do anymore”. Prove to everyone that you can. Prove that you can do better than them. Until the time comes, you and I can stand proudly in front of our parents, respectively, and show that they are never in vain has given birth to us.



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