Friday 1 March 2013

Ghost Towns in Europe

Oradour-sur-Glane, France.

            The small village of Oradour-sur-Glane, France, is a place of unspeakable horrors. During World War II, 642 residents were massacred by German soldiers as punishment for the French Resistance. Germany was initially intended to target nearby Oradour-sur-Vayres and mistakenly attacks Oradour-sur-Glane on June 10, 1944. According to the story, the men were herded into a barn where they were shot in the legs so they would die more slowly. The women and children locked up in the church, all perished when they tried to escape were greeted by machine-gun fire. The village was destroyed by the Germans afterward. Ruins still stand today as a memorial to the dead and a reminder of the events that occurred. Besides, the government also built a mass funeral for the victims. However, the government did not dare to rebuild this city because of the horrors and atrocities that happened here. According travelers who've been, where it is often cold porch strange and terrible, too often seen movement and strange shadows

Prypiat Ukraina.

Prypiat  is a ghost town located in the northern region of Ukraine. The city was once the settlements for workers Nuclear Power Plant in Chernobyl. After the incident the leaking nuclear reactor in 1986, the city formerly inhabited five thousand inhabitants abandoned even this. Even this city was closed by the local authorities on the grounds of risk of nuclear radiation. Until now, the government has yet to allow anyone to visit this location without the use of special anti-radiation clothing. In 2012, released the film "Chernobyl Diaries" which tells a monster mutant due to nuclear radiation that roam the ruins of this city.
Deserted Mining Town of Pyramiden, Sweden.

The city is a coal mining town sold by Sweden to the Soviet Union in the early 1920s. The city became a victim of a classic case of the Soviet state, the company execute decisions based on government regulations. Once the city is considered less necessary nor productive for government purposes, suddenly evacuated residents as a whole. Residents left many relics and furniture, visitors can look through the window - but not close because visitors are banned for security reasons.


Kadykchan  is one of many small Russian cities that fell into ruin when the Soviet Union collapsed. Residents were forced to move to gain access to services like running water, schools and medical care. State to move them out for two weeks, and they were taken to other cities and fitted with new housing. The town is now deserted. By the time the Soviet Union collapsed, the haste, the people leave stuff in their homes. So now they can be found old toys, books, clothing and other objects throughout the empty city.

Deserted Town of Castelnuovo de 'Sabbioni, Italy.

Lonely and mysterious village "Castelnuovo" guarded only by a flimsy fence that is half broken. Located in Tuscany, on a small hill near Arezzo, one of the peculiar features of the relics is a weird quiz written in many desert areas such as building walls riddle an abandoned village. Today is a beautiful little town, situated on the edge of the cliff with the features of a castle at the top and partially walled city situated on the hillside surrounding olive treed - but all of this is entirely abandoned. Because seismic instability, the residents moved in the past decade, they will be leaving town for a perfectly preserved but it ended up being a medieval historical inscriptions. However, the visit soon! because maybe the next earthquake in this area will lead to the old town will be last seen


Monday 25 February 2013

The Animals Temple in the world.

Snake temple in Malaysia

        This temple is called snake temple because temple is inhabited by hundreds of snakes with different types. This snake came into its own after the temple reconstruction was completed. This temple was built in 1850 in order to honor a young monk at that time. Monk is known for its humane to animals, one snake. In addition it is also famous monk can heal people by using snake venom. Snakes are not dangerous at this temple. But for the safety of visitors, the snakes venom removed. 

Tortoise temples in India

        At the temple there ii a turtle considered sacred by the people around. they assume that the turtle is the incarnation of the god's eyes ruler of the world. There is no definite basis on this assumption. The turtles are kept in an aquarium that is placed inside the temple. Related Agency said that the turtle is the type of rare turtles. The government has also been asked to take care of these turtles but is not allowed by the local community.

Tiger Temple in Thailand

        This temple was built in 1994. At first in this temple and its monks are nine of ten tigers as pets. This temple is a place of treatment and care for the wounded tigers. In 1999 there were around a hundred tigers that are kept in the temple. But there is news saying that the temple is a world where the tiger trade. 

Rat Temple in India

       This temple was founded in the 15th century. This temple was built as a tribute to the wise woman named Karni Mata. At the temple, there are approximately 20,000 mice allowed to live freely and roam around the temple. Many people revere these mice. They considered it sacred rats. Even food bites eaten by rats because this also is considered to give a blessing. 

Monkey Temple in Nepal.

       Temple is a Buddhist temple. The temple is built on a hill. It is said that there used to be a monk told that her hair should be shaved bald, but his hair long monk. Thus causing hair full of lice. Ticks that later turned into a monkey.

The unique parks in the world

Glacier Park, Alaska. 

The park is also often called an inverted tree garden. Why so? because in the forest there are trees in the inverted position (above the root). Inverted trees was first made in 1994 by garden designer steve and cindy bowhay. They plant a tree with roots upside down. the root of the tree is used as a flower pot. there are currently more than a hundred trees were decorated by the inverse of pretty flowers and colorful on it.

Lawn snow in Andes Mountain.

In the mountains, there is a unique landscape, the snow-snow tapering shaped to resemble grass. This unique snow-snow can only be found at an altitude of over 4,000 meters above sea level and is only found in Argentina and Chile. The Snow tapering is formed from direct sunlight shining on the snow so that snow could not melt, but sublimes. Based on the sharp points of concentration more sunshine on the snow than the bottom. The Snow will not melt due to global warming.

Villa Lante.

Villa Lante is a villa in Bagnaia, Italy. Name is based on the Villa Lante della Rovere family, which owns the building for three centuries until 1933. The base design of this park is the garden of Italy in a formal style, which is placed around the Fontana del Quadrato or Fontana dei Quattro Mori, the pools are beautiful fountains equipped boats of stone. In the garden, the building extends along 16 meter villa decorated in the form of evil. Twin buildings, pallazine, each standing on the side of the park. The building has an interior with frescoes that have been restored

Villa d'Este, Italy. 

Villa d'Este and its gardens and villa which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its influence on the design of the building Renaissance palace and its gardens. In this area there is a fountain made of stone, fairy statues, grotto (cave), as well as games air.Saat World War I broke out, the villa is the property of the state and during the wake of the war were restored and opened to the public. After World War II, returned restoration done to repair the damage caused by bombing in 1944.

Garden of Cosmic Speculation, Scotland.

The form is inspired by the park of science and mathematics. In this place will find a variety of symbols or thoughts that scientific smelling realized in the form of a beautiful garden, like a metal sculpture that symbolizes DNA, resembling a snail mound hill symbolizing the Fibonacci sequence, and also the concept of other symbols. The park is also equipped with an artificial lake elegant. Artificial lake is unique with a natural concept combined with gardens and symmetrical arches, it makes it look pretty and precision. The park opened to the public once a year.

Lost Garden of Heligan, UK. 

This park is one of the popular parks in the UK. This park was abandoned and neglected, resulting in this park forgotten. Parks was rediscovered in 1990. The park looks beautiful as the park in general. But what is unique about this park there are lots of giant sculptures adorn the buried soil. This is what makes this park a scary impression.

Princess Mandalika

               Once upon time, in the south coast of Lombok Island there are a kingdom named Tonjang Beru. Beru Tonjang state was ruled by the king, famous for its wisdom and prudence, King was named king Tonjang Beru and queen Seranting. He has a daughter, whose name was Princess Mandalika. 

               Princess Mandalika is very beautiful and graceful. In addition to a sleek and beautiful it is well known friendly and polite. Speak soft language. That's what makes the princess is the pride of the people. Beauty and elegance of Princess Mandalika very prominent from the west end of the east end of the island of Lombok. Beauty and elegance of the princess heard by the princes from across the state in Lombok. The prince fell in love with the Princess. They are competing to apply Princess Mandalika. 
With a full feeling soft and smooth, Princess Mandalika rejected them. Two very angry prince received the rejection. They threatened if they rejected the government proposal Tonjang Beru will they destroy.
The Princess agitated because the proposal and the second threat prince . 

              After thinking day and night, the princess find her way out, which is at the expense of the soul and his life in order to avoid bloodshed. Prince princess invite all the people to gather together at a beach named Kuta beach. On the day that would have been determined, the people gathered at the beach. 

               The princess arrived at the beach accompanied by his father and mother and state inspectors. Later, the princess walked and stopped at the heap of stones, turned the sea. The princess looked at all the people who came, and then She boldly announced his decision to sacrifice herself . Hear the verdict, the audience gasped surprise, including his father and mother. Before she could be prevented Princess Mandalika plunge directly into the sea and swallowed by the waves. The atmosphere to be confused. all try to found the Princess , but none found her body. Before long, suddenly came the small animals, which resemble worms in much quantity, and the motley. The animals called Nyale. Many say Lombok community believe that Nyale is the embodiment of  Princess Mandalika .

Thursday 21 February 2013

The bad effects of smoking for Passive Smokers

Assalamu'alaykuuum ... Hello world ... Welcome to my life. I hope you enjoy my little notes in this very simple blog. Well my lovely readers let me tell you about the effect of Cigarette smoke for Passive Smokers. Dear reader, do you know that after smoking the respiratory system will be impaired for twenty minutes. But this is still nothing than the influence on passive smokers.

What is Passive smokers? Passive smokers is a smoke-breathing of people who are smoking. The result is more dangerous than active smokers. Even the dangers of passive smoking to be borne triple jeopardy active smokers. Setyo Budiantoro of the Public Health Association of Indonesia (IAKMI) said, as many as 25 percent of harmful substances contained in cigarette smokers into the body, while 75 percent free air circulating inside your body at risk for those around him. The concentration of harmful substances in the body due to passive smoking more toxic smoke inhaled by active smokers are not filtered. While cigarette toxins in the body filtered through the end of the active smokers of cigarettes smoked. "However, the concentration of toxins active smokers could increase if active smokers inhale smoke again he exhales." Toxins produced by the largest cigarette smoke billowing from the tip of the cigarette is not inhaled. Because the smoke produced by the burning of tobacco that is not perfect. (

The study shows that peoples, who are exposed by cigarette smoke significantly, will narrow the airways. From the research a few experts in the world shows that passive smokers are exposed to Cigarette smoke on a regular basis, are at risk of memory impairment. Even passive smokers may experience memory loss nearly twenty percent more.

That's why smokers are encouraged to find it difficult to eliminate the habit of smoking, not to smoke in a public place or enclosed spaces. Avoid smoking in front of children, because in addition to causing respiratory problems, also causes damage to long-term memory.


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