Monday 11 February 2013


Seven major Word Classes:
1. Verb: be, drive, grow, sing, think
2. Noun: brother, car, David, house, London
3. Determiner: a, an, my, some, the
4. Adjective: big, foolish, happy, talented, tidy
5. Adverb: happily, recently, soon, then, there
6. Preposition: at, in, of, over, with
7. Conjunction: and, because, but, if, or

Determining the word class of a word:
The meaning of the word (the kind of meanings that words convey â
replacement test)
The form or `shape' of the word
The position or `environment' of the word in a sentence (where words
typically occur in a sentence, and the kinds of words which typically occur
near to them â replacement test)

Notes: There is no ‘one-to-one’ relationship between words and their
new words can be added to the class as the need arises (new scientific
discoveries are made, new products are developed, and new ideas are
explored): Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb
made up of finite sets of words which are never expanded: Prepositions,
Determiners, Conjunctions.

Define the class of the words: N, V, Adj, or Adv. One word can represent
more than one category.
1. large           5. heavy           9. display     12. radio       15. control
2. network      6. up-grade    10. design      13. wave       15. back
3. overclock   7. screen         11. encode    14. receive    16. back up
4. morning      8. gothic          12. access     15. file           17. transmit

Many nouns can be recognized by their endings. Typical noun endings

-er/-or: actor, painter, plumber, writer
-ism: criticism, egotism, magnetism, vandalism
-ist: artist, capitalist, journalist, scientist
-ment: arrangement, development, establishment, government
-tion: foundation, organization, recognition, supposition

Most nouns have distinctive SINGULAR and PLURAL forms.
The plural of regular nouns is formed by adding -s to the singular:
Singular: car, dog, house         Plural: cars, dogs, houses

What about irregular nouns?
Singular: man, child, sheep      Plural: men, children, sheep
(The distinction: NUMBER CONTRAST)
• Nouns may take the GENITIVE MARKER (-’s)
• Proper and Common Nouns
Common: Count & Non-count Nouns
Proper: Specific people, places, times, dates

::::: PRONOUNS :::::
major subclass of nouns è sometimes replace a noun in a sentence

Personal Pronouns, stand in for people, places, things and ideas
subjective (I, you, we, they, he, she, it) and objective pronouns (me,
you, us, them, him, her, it)

Possessive Pronouns: mine, yours, ours, theirs, hers, his, its

Demonstrative Pronouns, point out a specific persons, animals, places,
things or ideas: this, that, these, those.

Indefinite Pronouns, replace nouns without specifying which noun they
Singular: another, anybody, anyone, anything, each, either, everybody,
everyone, everything, little, much, neither, nobody, no one, nothing, one,
other, somebody, someone, something
Plural: both, few, many, others, several
Singular or plural: all, any, more, most, none, some

Intensive Pronouns, also called emphatic end with self or selves and
emphasize (intensify) a noun or another pronoun.

Interrogative Pronouns, used to begin or introduce interrogative
sentences: who, whom, whose, what, and which.

Reciprocal Pronouns, show a mutual relationship: each other and one

Reflexive Pronouns, point back to the subject of the sentence; end with
self or selves

Relative Pronouns, begin a subordinate clause and connect it to another
noun that precedes it: who, whom, whose, whoever, whomever, which,
whichever, that, what, whatever.

NOUNS è Numeral
•naught, zero, one, two, 3, fifty-six,
100, a thousand

•first, 2nd, third, fourth, 500th

five twos are ten
he's in his eighties
the fourth of July
a product of the 1960s
the house was built in the late 1960s
he's in his early twenties
the temperature is in the high nineties


 Can you maximize your ability creating nouns from other words?
1. analyze      5. program      9. provide     13. agree        17. verify
2. design        6. radiate      10. type          14. hedonic    18. create
3. calculate    7. improve     11. encrypt    15. play           19. amend
4. compute    8. prohibit     12. convert     16. install         20. assign

‚ Countable or uncountable?
1. soap            3. cable     5. light          7. information       9. access
2. computer     4. data      6. network    8. connection      10. file

1. He sat beneath the shimmering sky, entranced by the beauty of each
star’s pronouncement of …… mission to enlighten a corner of the world.

2. “The mistake is all ……,” she admitted willingly, deeply moved by the
consequence of …… action.

3. Love is an interesting entity that cannot be touched yet is within the
reach of those bodies who will acknowledge that ……… exists.

4. …… herself knows it is unusual to announce the person who must carry
on, but …… is exactly what …… plans to do.

5. (Ahmad) …… is not sure who the recipient should be.

6. The teacher asked (the students) ……… to report on that later.

7. Steve Jobs leaves behind a company that only ……… could have built,
and ……… spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple.

Ø Regular & Irregular Verbs
Ø Finite & Non-Finite Verbs
Ø Transitive & Intransitive Verbs
Ø Auxiliary Verbs (HELPING VERBS):
to be (am/is/are; was/were)

PS. Make your own notes and examples

• Typically describe an attribute of a noun
• Can be identified â endings:
    -able/-ible  : achievable, capable, remarkable
    -al             : biographical, functional, internal, logical
    -ful            : beautiful, careful, grateful, harmful
    -ic             : cubic, manic, rustic, terrific
    -ive           : attractive, dismissive, inventive, persuasive
    -less          : breathless, careless, groundless, restless
    -ous          : courageous, dangerous, disastrous, fabulous

but we also have adjectives with no typical adjectival form, e.g.:
bad bright clever cold common.

Gradibilty â very, extremely, less
â comparison
Add your own words!
-able/-ible    :
-al               :
-ful              :
-ic               :
-ive             :
-less           :
-ous            :

Change the adjective in brackets into a correct form. Use -
er/more/less or –est/most. Add ‘than’ and ‘the’ if necessary.

1. My monitor is not big enough and I plan to buy a ……….. monitor

2. Rina, please advise… which flash disk is …………………………………
(elegant), this one or that one? I want one of them.

3. Operation System is ……………………………… (important) program that
runs on a computer.

4. Getting lost in a new town was a very bad experience. It is
…………………… (bad) experience in my life.



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